Cogwheel Crush

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Cogwheel Crush is a Factory track added in Season 1.

The track opens with an S bend leading into a square catwalk over a pool of green liquid. Just before the third turn of this room is the titular cogwheel, which has a long and a short fin to push players off the track. Following this is a straightaway made of three paths: A narrow raised path to the left with three Pinzers carrying Banana Peels, a short jump to an even narrower raised path, and the floor below, which is covered in green sludge, slowing racers who drive through it. These lead into a left turn, going down a ramp toward a trio of narrow exits which a Sweeper robot patrols, blocking each one off in sequence. Beyond the Sweeper is a conveyor ramp leading to a jump onto a path, which quickly turns left into a slick ice tunnel. The ice tunnel turns right into a yard with a pair of tunnels: One always open, and the second covered, which opens up for a few seconds when the lights around it turn green. This second path is an auto-drive zone. Both lead into the final stretch, a straightaway featuring a dual path: A moving ramp that can be jumped with a boost to reach a platform above the second path, a lower area with a conveyor ramp leading up to the starting line.