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Baguy Desert (also known as Desert Drift) is a map theme in KartRider: Drift.


Desert maps, as their name suggests, take place in a vast desert, with the track commonly made of or covered in sand. Tracks may pass through desert villages, bazaars, oases, and even Egyptian-style structures and ruins. Courses commonly have 90-degree turns in man-made areas, while more natural paths snake their way across the landscape.

Item boxes on Desert tracks are pyramids.


Item tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Abandoned Oasis
Abandoned oasis map.png
3 🟡 Preseason
Dusty Bazaar
Dusty bazaar map.png
3 🟡 Preseason
Sphinx's Riddle
Sphinxs riddle map.png
3 🟡🟡 Preseason
Pharaoh's Pass
Pharaohs pass map.png
3 🟡🟡🟡 Preseason
Riddling Ruins
Riddling ruins map.png
3 🟡🟡🟡 Mid-Season 4

Speed tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Ancient Aqueducts
Ancient aqueducts map.png
2 🟡🟡🟡🟡 Preseason
Forgotten City
Forgotten city map.png
2 🟡🟡🟡🟡 May 30, 2024
Construction Chaos
Construction chaos map.png
2 🟡🟡🟡🟡🟡 Preseason


The Desert theme has four associated music tracks: