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Floopy Forest (also known as Frenzy Forest) is a map theme in KartRider: Drift.


Forest maps take place in an alpine forest region. Tracks generally feature logs and stumps as obstacles, hollowed out tree trunks as tunnels, and may feature the course going through a mountain cave. Buildings and bridges on Forest tracks are generally made from wood, rope, and/or stone. Forest tracks also tend to be uneven, with many hills, cliffs, and bumps to drive over.

Item boxes on Forest tracks are acorns.


Item tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Lumberjack Lane
Lumberjack lane map.png
3 🟑 Preseason
Woodsy Way
Woodsy way map.png
3 🟑 Preseason
Rocky Roadway
Rocky roadway map.png
3 🟑🟑 Preseason
Panda Village
Panda village map.png
3 🟑🟑 Preseason
Mushroom Caves
Mushroom caves map.png
2 🟑🟑 Mid-Preseason
Misty Falls
Misty falls map.png
3 🟑🟑 Mid-Season 3
Training Grounds
Training grounds map.png
3 🟑🟑🟑 May 30, 2024
Waterfall Slide
Waterfall slide map.png
3 🟑🟑🟑 Mid-Season 4

Speed tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Log Leap
Log leap map.png
3 🟑🟑🟑 Preseason
Zigzag Timberland
Zigzag timberland map.png
2 🟑🟑🟑🟑 Preseason

Flag mode map

Flag mode maps are not considered as usual tracks, i.e. cannot be played in Time Attack, but they are marked as tracks in game files.

Name Thumbnail Difficulty Release
Hidden Meadow
Hidden meadow map.png
🟑🟑 Mid-Season 4


Log Leap track was in Nymph theme in Legacy KartRider, but in KartRider: Drift track theme was changed to Forest.


The Forest theme has four associated music tracks: