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Boomhill Village (also known as Zoomtown) is a map theme in KartRider: Drift.


Village maps take place in Boomhill, a seaside suburban area. Courses take place on cobblestone or paved roads, which may or may not travel through back alleys, and are usually very simplistic in structure. Village maps tend to reserve road hazards for shortcut routes, with the main routes being fairly straightforward.

Item boxes on Village tracks are wooden crates.


Item tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Cobbled Quayside
Cobbled quayside map.png
3 🟡 Preseason
Breezy Park
Breezy park map.png
3 🟡 Season 2
Bayside Bridge Run
Bayside bridge run map.png
2 🟡🟡 Preseason
Clocktower Crossing
Clocktower crossing map.png
3 🟡🟡 Preseason
Town Hall
Town hall map.png
3 🟡🟡 Season 2
Rush Hour
Rush hour map.png
3 🟡🟡 Mid-Season 4
Handy Harbor
Handy harbor map.png
3 🟡🟡🟡 Preseason

Speed tracks

Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
Boomhill Tunnel
Boom hill tunnel map.png
1 🟡🟡🟡🟡🟡 Preseason


Extreme Stadium track was in Village theme in Legacy KartRider, but in KartRider: Drift track theme was changed to Glacier.

Theme Name Thumbnail Laps Difficulty Release
VillageGlacier Extreme Stadium
Extreme stadium map.png
2 🟡🟡🟡🟡 Preseason


The Village theme has four associated music tracks: