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This investigator from the United Kingdom will go to any length to crack the case. He's a nice guy in his day-to-day life, but he can get a little fixated on the job...

In-game description

Brian is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Brian skill.png

Brian's character skill is Dispatched Detective. Brian starts the race with an enhanced Siren in his first item slot, which provides a 58%/60%/62%/64%/66% larger boost than a normal Siren. Any Sirens he obtains during the race are upgraded into enhanced Sirens, and he is also given a Barricade in his other item slot if it's open. Additionally, Brian is given a Siren every 44/42/40/38/36 seconds.


  • Victorious: Brian holds up a fist, then thrusts both fists into the air as confetti bursts out of him.
  • Sad: Brian turns away and stares up at a light shining down on him. If sitting, he pinches the bridge of his nose before staring at the light.
  • Angry: Brian angrily facepalms as steam erupts from his ears, then stomps his foot forward while clenching his fists. If sitting, he stands up to stomp his foot.
  • Surprised: Brian falls backwards, but catches himself and does a backflip. He pulls out his flashlight and scans around himself with it. If sitting, he instead flinches, his eyes twitch, then he clears his throat.
  • Amused: Brian turns away while shaking a hand, begins laughing with his hands on his hips, then runs his index finger below his nose.
  • Affectionate: Brian panics and begins patting his pockets in search of something. He then turns away and holds out a heart between his index finger and thumb.
  • Showboat: Brian does a front flip, pulling out his flashlight in the process, then scans around with it as he lands.
  • Bored: (Standing) Brian pulls out his flashlight, flips it into the air and catches it, then holds it below his chin and turns it on while sneering. (Sitting) Brian rests his head against his kart's steering wheel as he falls asleep.
  • Applaud: Brian applauds, occasionally nodding and grunting in approval.
  • Dance: While stepping back and forth, Brian pulls out his flashlight, twirls it in his hand and turns it on, then holds his other hand's index finger and thumb up to his mouth, creating a heart.
