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Marid is the girl who's got it all, and she's got the confidence to back it up. There's nothing she can't have if she puts her money to it!

In-game description

Marid is a character in KartRider: Drift. She is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Marid skill.png

Marid's character skill is The Power of Money. Marid begins each race with a Boost, and she is able to build up and obtain Boosts while driving similar to Speed mode. The further Marid is from the first place racer, the faster she obtains Boosts this way.
Base Boost-Building Speed: 30/29/28/27/26 seconds while driving 100 km/h or faster.


  • Angry: Marid stomps her feet repeatedly as fire forms in her eyes. (standing) She then clenches her fists as her eye twitches.
  • Victorious: Marid makes a dainty pose, then pulls out a smartphone and takes three selfies: Her with stars in her eyes and her hand up to her cheek, her giving a V-sign and winking, and her laughing.
  • Shocked: Marid is briefly alarmed, then puts her hands behind her back and darts her eyes around.
  • Amused: Marid gives a noblewoman's laugh, then (standing) flicks her finger forward and winks/(sitting) runs her hand through her hair and winks.
  • Affectionate: Marid clasps her hands together and bounces on one foot with the other raised, then swings her arms back and forth.
  • Showboat: Marid gestures at herself, flutters her eyelashes, then points forward, creating an image of a trophy.
  • Sad: Marid stomps her foot with her fists clenched, turns away as tears fall from her eyes, then wipes her eyes one at a time.
  • Bored: (standing) Marid stands with one hand on her face and the other on her elbow, then pulls her smartphone out, taps the screen and holds it up to her ear as she taps her foot. She primps her hair, pulls her phone away from her head while glaring at it in irritation, taps the screen again and puts it away. (sitting) Marid slumps back in her seat and falls asleep, then wakes back up and wipes her face with her arm.
  • Applaud: Marid claps excitedly, then bounces rapidly with sparkles in her eyes.
  • Dance: Marid bounces rhythmically while rolling her shoulders, waving her arms, and flexing her hands.
