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Rivaski’s son, Taki has developed a large range of emotions from his time on Earth that far surpasses his father. He wants to be the best racer in the universe, and has set his antennae on the less advanced planet of Earth, because of its collection of excellent racers.

Patch note description

Taki is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Taki skill.png

Taki's character skill is Lightstone Boost. Upon activation, Taki creates a shockwave that grants a Boost effect to other nearby racers. If Taki doesn't give a Boost to any opponents, he is given a Boost item. Unique to Taki, other players can see when his ability is usable, which is represented by a Lightstone hovering over his head.
Cooldown: 17/16.1/15.2/14.3/13.4 seconds.


  • Victorious: Taki thrusts his right fist into the air thrice, jumping each time, then gives a V-sign with his left hand. If sitting, he doesn't perform the V-sign.
  • Sad: Taki leans his head back and cries as a torrent of tears spray from his eyes. He holds his face with both hands while shaking his head.
  • Angry: Taki stomps his feet rapidly as purple energy seeps from his clenched fists. He then bends his hands into claws and holds them palms-forward in a "scaring" motion and yells.
  • Surprised: Taki stiffly jumps and grabs his face with both hands, then leans forward as sweat drips down his face and he catches his breath.
  • Amused: Taki laughs with closed eyes, playfully hits his knee as he laughs, he then winks and does a pose.
  • Affectionate: Taki spins three times with his right arms up and left leg in front with pink heart eyes then blows a kiss with a heart-shaped smoke.
  • Showboat: Taki clasps his hands, then poses twice while pointing at himself with his thumbs as stars appear around him.
  • Bored: Taki brings head down while his eyes are closed and sighs, then he takes out a lightstone orbited by three colored orbs from his pocket and spins it happily.
  • Applaud: Taki claps very rapidly while laughing.
  • Dance: Taki dances by shuffling his feet and spins once.
