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Bazzi moves slow and drives fast. He has a knack for finding trouble, but he always finds his way out of it through sheer luck.

In-game description

Bazzi is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Bazzi skill.png

Bazzi's character skill is Balloon Blast. When activated, Bazzi rolls a Water Bomb ahead of himself that bounces off walls. When the bomb makes contact with a racer, it detonates and traps nearby players in a bubble. The longer the Water Bomb spent rolling, the longer the racers are trapped in a bubble.
Cooldown: 18/17.1/16.2/15.3/14.4 seconds. This skill starts on a 9/8.5/8.1/7.6/7.2 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Angry: Bazzi falls backwards and throws a tantrum while flailing his limbs.
  • Victorious: Bazzi turns to his right, swings his arms while whistling, then jumps to face his left and repeats.
  • Surprised: Bazzi jumps in a stiff pose, then poses defensively as he lands.
  • Amused: Bazzi turns away and laughs into both of his hands, briefly facing forward before turning away again and laughing some more.
  • Affectionate: Bazzi twirls around and attempts to blow a kiss.
  • Showboat: Bazzi holds his hands out with a "ta-da!", then adjusts his bow tie (if in his Boom Hill outfit), or gives a quick salute (if wearing any other outfit).
  • Sad: (standing) Bazzi falls forward and sobs with his face against the ground, creating a puddle of tears. (sitting) Bazzi cries for a moment, then blows his nose on his hands.
  • Bored: (standing) Bazzi rolls his eyes, scratches his stomach, then pulls out a sandwich and takes a bite of it. (sitting) Bazzi falls asleep leaning back in his kart as "Zzz" and frogs appear above him.
  • Applaud: Bazzi claps his hands and gives an approving nod.
  • Dance: Bazzi swings his arms alternatingly, occasionally lifting his leg and pivoting to face another direction.


  • It is revealed in Episode 04 of Starting Line that Bazzi was adopted and raised from infancy by Santa Claus.
  • Bazzi's Character Skill is almost identical to the Rolling Water Bomb item from legacy KartRider, exclusive to the Pirate theme. Rolling Water Bombs had the same blast radius as normal Water Bombs, while Bazzi's has a smaller blast radius than normal.
