Pink Bean

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Adorable. Fun-loving. Fiercely powerful. When Pink Bean isn't busy fighting the heroes of Maple World, he likes to fill his days zipping around in his kart.

In-game description

Pink Bean is a character in KartRider: Drift. His default outfit, "MapleStory", has been available in the shop for 1,500 K-COINs since Season 1.


Pink Bean was first introduced as an endgame boss in MapleStory with the release of the Temple of Time, where the wizard Kirston accidentally summoned the rotund creature instead of the Black Mage. During the fight, Pink Bean would spend most of the time goofing off, lounging with a drink, listening to music on headphones, and various other frivolous activities unrelated to the fight, but was nonetheless able to provide a great challenge to his opponents. When defeated, Pink Bean did not die, but rather retreated back to his own dimension.

His cute design and mannerisms endeared him to the players of MapleStory, and he would eventually be made into a mascot for the game, with events themed around him and even made playable (temporarily, at least).

He was also notably one of the first bosses in MapleStory to use the Damage Reflect buff, turning the damage Maplers would try to inflict on him back toward his attackers, hence why it was added as his Character Skill here in KartRider: Drift.

Character Skill

Pink Bean skill.png

Pink Bean's character skill is Attack Reflection. Every 32/31/30/29/28 seconds, Pink Bean gains a special shield for 10 seconds that reflects the first Missile or Water Wisp targeted at him back toward his attacker.


  • Victorious: Pink Bean spins once as the MapleStory level up animation plays. He then winks and dances as shockwaves and music notes emit from him.
  • Sad: Pink Bean stomps his foot and cries while flailing his arms.
  • Angry: Pink Bean jumps up twice while shouting gibberish.
  • Surprised: Pink Bean falls backward and kicks his feet, then stands back up.
  • Amused: Pink Bean laughs as he slowly begins leaning back. If he's standing, this causes him to almost fall over, but he swings his arms to regain balance.
  • Affectionate: Pink Bean tilts his head as his eyes glisten. He winks, producing a pink heart, then a larger heart appears around him.
  • Showboat: Pink Bean jumps once as he tosses feathers into the air.
  • Bored: Pink Bean sits back and falls asleep. After a moment, he wakes and stands back up.
  • Applaud: Pink Bean sidles back and forth while swinging his arms and humming happily.
  • Dance: Pink Bean shuffles in place while doing various motions with his arms. Rays and music notes emit from him.
