Spirit Kid

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Spirit Kid is a shy but playful ghost who loves to surprise others while keeping her face concealed. She seems to resemble Draky's little sister but has no memory of her past life.

In-game description

Spirit Kid is a character in KartRider: Drift added in Season 4.


Character Skill

Spirit Kid skill.png

Spirit Kid's character skill is Ghosted. Upon activation, Spirit Kid becomes invisible temporarily, leaving a motionless illusion of herself behind. The illusion can be targeted by other racers' items and abilities, but attacks made against it will always be considered a miss. While invisible, the real Spirit Kid can't be targeted by items or abilities, but she can still be affected by attacks that don't specifically target her, like UFOs or Water Wisps.
Cooldown: 17/16.1/15.2/14.3/13.4 seconds. This skill starts on a 8.5/8/7.6/7.1/6.7 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Victorious: Spirit Kid swings her body to her sides as if she were a puppet on strings, then winks.
  • Sad: Spirit Kid falls to her knees while crying, then floats back up into a standing position.
  • Angry: Spirit Kid lowers her head, then roars as she holds her arms out in a threatening manner while a pair of ghostly flames manifest around her and a swarm of bats appear behind her.
  • Surprised: Spirit Kid pulls her body into her hat, which falls to the ground if standing. She then looks around if standing and pops back out.
  • Amused: Laughing, Spirit Kid wraps her arms around herself twice if standing or holds her face if sitting.
  • Affectionate: Spirit Kid blows a kiss, poses bashfully, then spins around once.
  • Showboat: Spirit Kid spins around as a pair of ghostly flames swirl around her. She finishes her spin with her head facing backward, then twists it to face forward again.
  • Bored: (Standing) Spirit Kid nods off in boredom, causing her head to fall off. Her body panics and quickly puts her head back on her shoulders. (Standing) Spirit Kid falls asleep. When she snaps awake, her head separates from her body for a split second.
  • Applaud: Spirit Kid slowly claps while looking around, then spins her eyes in their sockets.
  • Dance: Spirit Kid waves her hands while turning her knees inward, spins her head around, then begins raising her feet and touching her ankles with her hands.



  • It is heavily implied by her description that she is the spirit of Draky's sister. It is also possible that the spiritual flames siphoned from her bell by Rabbit Hole in the Season 4 cinematic trailer might have been her memories.