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This empathetic girl has protected Taki ever since they were children. Under her cute exterior lurks a blunt personality, but she always has a soft spot for her childhood friend and perceives Taki as a weakling who needs to be protected. She hasn't been racing as long as Taki, but she's so talented that Taki is actually jealous of her. When they're not racing, Taki is helping Erini get better at expressing her feelings.

Patch note description

Erini is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Erini skill.png

Erini's character skill is Lightstone Shield. Erini projects a field a short distance ahead of herself. If Erini or her teammates drive through the field, they are given the effects of a Shield. If an opponent drives through the field, any Shield or Angel Armor effect on them is removed.
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds. This skill starts on a 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Victorious†: As confetti falls, Erini looks around in surprise, then raises a fist into the air and laughs.
  • Sad: Erini holds a hand up to her mouth, then looks off to the side and sheds two tears. She then turns to face forward with a hand on her chest and sighs.
  • Angry: Erini lowers her eyelids and clenches her shaking fists as energy emits from them.
  • Surprised†: Erini jumps, shocked for a moment, then looks around.
  • Amused†: Erini holds her hands up her mouth as she gives off a very quick laugh.
  • Affectionate: Erini looks away with her head in her hands as she flushes red. Steam erupts from her head in the shape of a heart. She then faces forward again, holding a hand behind her back and coughing.
  • Showboat: Erini places a hand on her chest, then bows with her arms spread at her side.
  • Bored: (Standing) Erini stretches, dusts herself off, then taps the ground with the toe of her shoe. (Sitting) Erini yawns and falls asleep as a meteor shower appears behind her.
  • Applaud: Erini claps slowly with a blank-looking face.
  • Dance: Erini dances and poses like a ballerina and spins slowly then flaps her arms gracefully.

† Currently, these three emotes have had their names swapped around, but retain their correct icons.
