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Whenever trouble strikes in Moonhill City, whenever its people are in trouble, Neo is there. What secrets lurk in this masked hero's past?

In-game description

Neo is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is the mysterious hero of Moonhill City and is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Neo skill.png

Neo's character ability is Wave of Justice. When activated, Neo swings his sword, pushing nearby racers away from him.
Cooldown: 13/12.3/11.6/10.9/10.2 seconds. This skill starts on a 6.5/6.2/5.8/5.4/5.1 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Victorious: (Standing) Neo pumps his fist as energy emits from it, leans back while laughing, then opens his fist as a ball of energy appears in it. (Sitting) Neo pulls out his laser sword and holds it upward, then swings it to his side with the fingers on his other hand splayed. He chuckles.
  • Sad: Neo turns away as tears fall from his eyes.
  • Angry: Four orange cubes emerge from the ground as the jewel on Neo's helmet glows. The cubes begin to glow and spark, then Neo thrusts his hand forward, destroying them. He crosses his other hand in front of his chest as his eye twitches.
  • Surprised: Neo flinches in shock, then clutches his head in pain as the jewel on his helmet begins emitting sparks. As the sparking stops, he stares at his hands for a moment, then clenches them into fists. If Neo is wearing an outfit without a helmet jewel, he still clutches his head but no sparks are visible.
  • Amused: Neo pauses for a moment, closes his eyes, then chuckles.
  • Affectionate: Neo's eyes widen and his face turns red as he is taken aback. He covers his mouth with the side of his finger, then swings his cape while looking away. If sitting, he doesn't swing his cape.
  • Showboat: Neo quickly slashes three times with his laser sword, then puts it away and clenches his left hand as energy bursts from it.
  • Bored: (Standing) Neo looks at his hands, clenches them while grunting in frustration, then looks away and sighs. (Sitting) Neo begins nodding off, but snaps awake when he begins to fall over.
  • Applaud: Neo slowly claps with an annoyed expression, but begins chuckling with a smile on his face.
  • Dance: Neo slowly rotates his right arm from his side to his front with his index finger pointing, then steps to the side backwards while swinging his arms.



  • Rex referring to Neo as a traitorous dog is a reference to how, in the background story of the original CrazyRacing KartRider game, that Neo was once one of the R-Men until he defected and became a vigilante.