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She may not look much like her younger cousin Toto, but they're still family. She's oblivious to the terrible luck that follows her everywhere she goes, something her poor cousin knows about all too well... And unfortunately for him, Tanya adores her poor little cousin...

Patch note description

Tanya is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Tanya skill.png

Tanya's character skill is Sharp Shooter. On activation, a narrow targeting marker will appear, which will highlight opposing racers inside of it. Using the skill a second time will cause Tanya to fire two cannonballs at each racer currently inside the reticle. Both cannonballs act like a Missile, but the shots temporarily disable the opponent's Balloon if they have one equipped, allowing the second shot (or another Missile or other attack that causes explosion) to affect them normally.
Cooldown: 34/32.3/30.6/28.9/27.2 seconds.

