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Tiera is a witch with powers matched only by her warm heart. She's fallen under the spell of racing and now prefers a kart to her broom.

In-game description

Tiera is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Tiera skill.png

Tiera's character skill is Prettion Power. When activated, Tiera can lock on to another racer and launch a butterfly at them. If the target is a teammate, that racer gets a Boost effect and Tiera gains a Shield effect. If the target is an opponent, that racer is slowed temporarily.
Cooldown: 21/19.9/18.8/17.7/16.6 seconds. This skill starts on a 10.5/9.9/9.4/8.8/8.3 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Angry: Tiera swings her fists downward, then looks away with an indignant "hmph".
  • Victorious: (standing) Tiera waves both of her hands, turns to face her right while waving one hand, then blows a kiss. (sitting) Tiera floats into the air and spins around while swinging her magic wand as hearts fly out of it. When she lands, she holds her head in her hands while laughing giddily.
  • Shocked: Tiera jumps back slightly and covers her mouth with her hands. She hiccups once, then shakes her head.
  • Amused: Tiera looks away and closes her eyes, covering her mouth as she giggles.
  • Affectionate: Tiera stands with her hands clasped, then adopts a cute pose holding a finger to her cheek and winking as hearts emit from her. She then bashfully looks away while holding her face.
  • Showboat: (standing) Tiera looks bored for a moment, holding a hand up to her cheek, then waves. (sitting) Tiera spins her wand in her hand, then holds it into the air as it emits a flash.
  • Sad: Tiera whimpers as tears well up in her eyes. She wipes her eyes and holds her hands together, toughing it out with a look of resolve on her face.
  • Bored: (standing) Tiera stands with her hands behind her back and blows a bubblegum bubble. The bubble pops, surprising her and momentarily knocking her off balance. (sitting) Tiera slowly drifts to sleep, then abruptly wakes up.
  • Applaud: Tiera slowly applauds.
  • Dance: Tiera shuffles in place while swinging her arms and humming to herself.
