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This foodie will take on any challenge as long as there's a buffet at the finish line.

In-game description

Keffy is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Keffy skill.png

Keffy's character skill is Keffy & Donuts. Whenever Keffy drives through an item box, there's a 48%/50%/52%/54%/56% chance he will toss one of two types of doughnut onto the track behind him. Blueberry doughnuts slow the first racer to drive over it down temporarily, while Mint-Chocolate doughnuts knock the racer into the air.


  • Victorious: Keffy holds his hands up to his mouth briefly, then jumps twice while laughing.
  • Sad: Keffy sobs with both his hands and the ears of his outfit cover his eyes. He wipes his eyes with his costume's ears.
  • Angry: Keffy face turns red with anger as he jumps up and down twice.
  • Surprised: Keffy jumps as a spiral appears over his head. He clutches his chest as he calms down.
  • Amused: Keffy jumps twice, then laughs while holding his stomach with both hands.
  • Affectionate: Keffy holds his hands up to his cheeks as the ears of his costume come together to form a heart. The ears tap together to create a bunch of hearts as Keffy makes a finger gun gesture with both hands.
  • Showboat: Keffy pulls a doughnut out of nowhere, holds it up to where his mouth would be and somehow manages to eat it through his costume. He then rubs his stomach.
  • Bored: (Standing) Keffy daydreams about a doughnut, then rubs his stomach as it growls hungrily. (Sitting) Keffy falls asleep and pats his stomach as a bubble comes from his nose. The bubble pops and he wakes up.
  • Applaud: Keffy looks around with a doughnut in his hands, then takes a couple bites of it.
  • Dance: Keffy dances by punching and kicking in various directions twice, taps his foot against the ground, then begins swinging his upper body back and forth.
