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This sharp-witted technician believes the best way to test a kart is to race it. When he's not tinkering with karts, he's reading books.

In-game description

Ethen is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Ethen skill.png

Ethen's character skill is Ethen's Book Club. Water Wisps Ethen obtains have a 78%/81%/84%/87%/90% chance to be replaced with a Book. Books function like Water Wisps, targeting the first opponent ahead of Ethen. Rather than trap that racer in a bubble, Books instead stun them in place and, if they're in midair, causes them to drop straight down. The further Ethen is from his target, the longer the stun lasts.


  • Victorious: (Standing) Ethen adjusts his glasses, nods his head, then spins once and holds his right hand up to his chin in a "thinking" manner. (Sitting) Ethen alternates between swinging his right hand around in the air, and thrusting his fist upward with his left.
  • Sad: Ethen throws his head back and stomps his feet while crying. He then wipes his eyes with both hands.
  • Angry: Ethen stomps his foot and shakes with rage as his hair antennae glow red at the tips. He then looks away and thrusts his arms downward while stomping again.
  • Surprised: Ethen stands stiffly as his eyes bug out and dishevels his glasses. He places a hand on his chest and sighs, then adjusts his glasses.
  • Amused: Ethen pulls out a book with "N2O" and a wheel on the cover, opens the book, then begins laughing with a hand on his belly. He wipes his right eye with the back of his hand. If sitting, Ethen doesn't pull out the book.
  • Affectionate: Ethen waves with his eyes closed, then blows a kiss three times, producing hearts.
  • Showboat: Ethen poses twice while pointing his finger forward, then jumps into the air spinning and lands with his arms extended. Finally, he adjusts his glasses. His first pose causes a book to appear, his second a light bulb, and the third creates a line graph, a calculator, a wave on a spherical graph, and a drawing compass. If sitting, he doesn't spin before his third pose.
  • Bored: (Standing) Ethen pulls out his book while adjusting his glasses, flips through the pages as a light bulb appears over his head, then puts the book away while shaking his finger. (Sitting) Ethen falls asleep, wakes up as his glasses begin to fall off his head, then quickly adjusts them.
  • Applaud: Ethen claps slowly while rolling his eyes, but shifts into quicker applause with his eyes closed.
  • Dance: Ethen dances by walking off to the side in place. A line of musical notes appear in front of and behind him, while a light bulb appears over his head.
