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This French hacker is among the best. She's a loner with an edgy streak, but at heart, she's basically harmless.

In-game description

Sophia is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Sophia skill.png

Sophia's character skill is Leave Me Alone. When activated, Sophia will dispel the effects of Shields, Angel Armor, and Boosts on all nearby opponents as well as temporarily nullifying the defensive properties of their equipped Balloon. If an effect was dispelled this way, Sophia gains the effect of a Shield.
Cooldown: 15/14.2/13.4/12.6/11.8 seconds. This skill starts on a 7.5/7.1/6.7/6.3/5.9 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Victorious: Sophia pulls out a digital keytar, presses three buttons on it to produce a pair of screens that flash various colors, then strums her hand across it to create a sine wave.
  • Sad: Tears well up in Sophia's eyes. She then looks away and wipes her eyes with her hands.
  • Angry: Sophia rolls her eyes in annoyance, briefly facepalms with her left hand, then loosely shakes that hand.
  • Surprised: A bedsheet ghost with cat ears appears, startling Sophia. She then shudders if standing, or grabs her face if sitting.
  • Amused: Sophia laughs with her hand up to her chin, then steeples her fingers.
  • Affectionate: Sophia sways bashfully, then brings out her keytar and presses a few buttons on it, creating a screen that separates into several hearts.
  • Showboat: Sophia shakes her head. A smiling rabbit head appears, she looks at it and shrugs, then waves as it swirls around her and vanishes.
  • Bored: (Standing) Sophia clutches her head, then lets her arms hang loosely as a ticking clock appears. Sophia gestures with her right hand in a questioning fashion. (Sitting) Sophia rubs her eye with her hand, then falls asleep for a few seconds before waking up.
  • Applaud: Sophia claps while laughing softly.
  • Dance: Sophia plays her keytar while stepping to her sides rhythmically.
