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More engineer than racer, he's a big believer in being slow and steady.

In-game description

Mos is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Mos skill.png

Mos's character skill is The More The Merrier. Whenever Mos obtains a Banana, Big Banana, or Barricade from an item box, there is a 78%/80%/82%/84%/86% chance he will be given five uses of that item in his item slot.


  • Victorious: (Standing) Mos jumps three times while thrusting his fists into the air. On the third jump, a wrench appears in his hand. When he lands, he quickly twirls the wrench, laughs, then puts it away. (Sitting) Mos looks his side thrice while pumping both of his fists. He then lifts his left leg and reels his left arm before pumping that arm as well.
  • Sad: Mos rapidly stomps his feet and shakes his fists while crying, then tenses up. If sitting, he doesn't stomp.
  • Angry: Mos rapidly stomps his feet and tenses his hands into claws as a flame erupts from his head. He then looks to the side and facepalms while shaking his head. While sitting, he performs these actions in reverse order.
  • Surprised: Mos's eyes bug out as he stumbles and three stars circle around his head with a chirping noise.
  • Amused: Mos clutches his stomach with both hands as he laughs, then tilts his head back and fans his hand.
  • Affectionate: Mos floats into the air, surrounded in orange hearts with his hands on his chest and while fluttering his feet. He then realizes what's happening, and flails his limbs as he falls to the ground and lands on his backside and sighs.
  • Showboat: Mos rubs his cheek with the back of his hand, then stretches. If wearing an outfit other than his Boom Hill one, his hand leaves a streak of motor oil on his face.
  • Bored: (Standing) Mos pulls out a kart part followed by a wrench, which he twirls in his hand. He tightens a bolt on the part three times, wipes sweat off his face with the back of his hand, then inspects the part and puts it away. (Sitting) Mos sways back and forth while half-asleep, then jolts awake.
  • Applaud: Mos quickly claps five times, then pauses for a moment before resuming.
  • Dance: Mos rhythmically swings his arms to his sides one at a time while shuffling his feet, then sidesteps back and forth while swinging both arms to the side as music notes emit from his hands.
