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Brodi found this girl lost in the woods without any memories of who she was. She spends her days helping out in the factory.

In-game description

Miso is a character in KartRider: Drift. Her default outfit, "Miss", was available as the Level 1 Premium Racing Pass reward during Season 1.

She is the leader of the Rabbit Hole gang, as revealed in the stinger for the Season 4 cinematic trailer. The description for her Rabbit Hole costume reveals that she traveled back in time from the future with the intent to bring misery and misfortune upon the world.


Character Skill

Miso skill.png

Miso's character skill is HexaDraw. Upon activating, Miso can target another player and forcibly drag them toward her if they're an opponent. This ability has no effect on allies. A Shield can block the pull effect.
Cooldown: 25/23.7/22.4/21.1/19.8 seconds.


  • Victorious: Miso pulls out a can of paint and sprays it into the air, creating confetti and a purple and blue pattern. She then watches as the pattern fades away.
  • Sad: Miso sheds a tear, seems surprised, then catches a second in her hand, stares at it, then wipes it off on her shirt (unmasked)/Miso's mask/helmet shorts out and she readjusts herself (Rabbit Hole and Mecharabbit).
  • Affectionate: Miso makes a heart shape with her hands, which manifests a violet heart. She then violently tears the heart in half (sitting)/tosses it to the ground and casually crushes it underfoot (standing) while giving a malicious glare.
  • Amused: Miso laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. She then shakes her head slightly while giving an evil look.
  • Angry: Miso seethes for a moment with her hair casting a shadow over her face before clenching her fists and gritting her teeth.
  • Bored: Miso falls asleep, then wakes up and slaps herself on the cheek twice (sitting)/Miso looks to the side and pulls out a hand mirror, then makes faces into it by poking her cheek with a finger and pulling down her eyelid.
  • Showboat: Miso sprays a can of paint into the air, which manifests into an image of the Legend Cup. She briefly shows it off, then the image melts away.
  • Shock: Miso recoils in fear, then takes a few deep breaths. As she regains composure, she glares angrily.
  • Applaud: Miso claps her hands, but eventually averts her gaze away with an irate look.
  • Dance: Miso steps back and forth while clapping her hands, with a look of boredom on her face.


  • A number of her emotes had her giving a sinister look, along with one of her emojis, were subtle hints of her true nature as being a two-faced, villainous character.
  • It is possible that she faked having amnesia when Brodi found her in the woods, in order for her to worm her way into Mystpole Factory. It is heavily implied that she and her gang hacked into the factory androids to make them go rampant, as seen with their symbol appearing in the trailer for Season 1.
