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Dao believes in two things: good sportsmanship and never giving up.

In-game description

Dao is a character in KartRider: Drift. He is unlocked for all players by default.


Character Skill

Dao skill.png

Dao's character skill is Leaps & Bounds. When activated, Dao launches himself forward through the air, giving him a burst of speed and allowing him to jump over grounded obstacles. The fewer items Dao is carrying, the further he jumps.
Cooldown: 17/16.1/15.2/14.3/13.4 seconds.


  • Victorious: Dao throws both of his fists into the air while cheering, then waves. If sitting, he stands up and only throws one fist into the air, hanging onto his steering wheel with the other.
    • "Woo-hoo! I'm a winner!"
  • Sad: Dao clutches his cheeks, then begins sobbing.
    • "Aww, I was sure I'd win this time!"
  • Angry: Flames emit from Dao's head as he stomps his foot, then jumps while holding his hands up to his head.
    • "Ahhh! I'll get you back for this!"
  • Surprised: Dao's eyes bug out as he recoils, then clutches his chest for a moment as he calms down.
    • "Eeek! You scared me..."
  • Amused: Dao bends forward while clutching his stomach and laughing, then wipes a tear from his eye. If sitting, Dao leans back in his seat and doesn't wipe his eye.
    • "Hahahaha! That's funny!"
  • Affectionate: Dao bashfully puts his hands behind his back and drags his foot across the ground, then swoons as hearts emit from him. If sitting, Dao only swoons.
    • "Aw... You're gonna make me say how I really feel?" / "Aw, shucks!"
  • Showboat: Dao throws his fist into the air, which sparkles, then stands triumphant with his hands on his hips. If sitting, Dao stands up to start the emote, then sits down without the triumphant stance.
    • "Let's go!"
  • Bored: (Standing) Dao begins to fall asleep, wobbling on his feet, then yawns. (Sitting) Dao falls asleep, but bursts awake as he bangs his head on his steering wheel.
    • "Spent all night... racing... YAAAAAWN!" / "Spent all night... racing... Huh?"
  • Applaud: Dao claps while occasionally nodding and laughing.
    • "That's the stuff."
  • Dance: Dao thrusts his fists forward, then swings them to the side while stepping back and forth. Then he unballs his fists and dances in a similar fashion faster while grinding one of his feet against the ground.
    • "Dance dance dance!"
