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The violent and somewhat clumsy Toto is second-in-command of Lodumani's pirate crew. He's jealous of Mobi ever since he took over the first mate position, but always rushes to his side when he's in danger.

In-game description

Toto is a character in KartRider: Drift, introduced in Season 3: Catch Me if You Can.


Character Skill

Toto skill.png

Toto's character skill is Cannonball. Whenever Toto obtains a Missile, there's a 78%/81%/84%/87%/90% chance it will be upgraded into a Cannonball instead. Cannonballs create a firing zone below a targeted opponents. That racer and any other opponents who drive through the field have a Cannonball shot at them with the same effect as a Missile.


  • Victorious: (Standing) Toto points and laughs, then turns around, slaps his rear, and laughs while covering his mouth. (Sitting) Toto stands on his kart's seat and marches in place while spinning in a circle.
  • Sad: Toto sobs pathetically as tears and snot drip from his eyes and nose. The standing version of this emote has Toto fall onto his hands and knees, reaching out with one of his hands.
  • Angry: Toto grits his teeth, stomps with both feet, then yells as several lightning bolts emit from his head.
  • Surprised: (Standing) Toto leaps into the air as a bone bounces near his foot. He lands on his backside, quickly stands up with a tear in his eye while rubbing his butt in pain and muttering pained gibberish. (Sitting) Toto flinches and looks away while shielding himself with his hand, then slaps himself with his other hand.
  • Amused: Toto laughs and leans forward while wringing his hands. If sitting, he doesn't wring his hands.
  • Affectionate: Toto taps his fingertips together, swings his head back and forth bashfully, then leans forward while puckering his lips and making kissing noises as streams of hearts emit from both sides of his mouth. The sitting version of this emote has Toto skip straight to the kissy face.
  • Showboat: (Standing) Toto points to himself with both thumbs while lifting his leg, spins around once, stopping on a pose where he tilts his body and spreads his arms while winking. (Sitting) Toto puts his index and middle fingers on both hands up to his mouth as if to whistle, but instead makes muffled cheering noises.
  • Bored: (Standing) Toto picks his nose with his pinky finger, flicks it off to the side, then wipes his finger on his pant leg while laughing. (Sitting) Toto leans back and immediately falls sleep, but just as abruptly sits back up with his eyes still closed.
  • Applaud: Toto boos while giving two thumbs down, then looks away while shaking his head and making an X shape with his index fingers.
  • Dance: Toto bounces to a beat for a moment before wildly swinging his arms and kicking his feet as music notes and streamers emit from him.
