Mayor Zipi

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Underneath the mayor of Moonhill's pleasant appearance is a supervillain unlike any other! He turns the very best racers into his own personal R-Men.

In-game description

Mayor Zipi is a character in KartRider: Drift, introduced in Season 5.


Zipi is the villainous mayor of Moonhill City. Though he presents himself as just a civil servant, he secretly has grander schemes and employs elite racers like Rex as his personal enforcers, the R-Men.

Character Skill

Mayor Zipi skill.png

Mayor Zipi's character skill is Old Money. When activated, Zipi gains a shield for a split-second which can be used to parry an attack that is just about to hit him. Successfully blocking an attack with this ability places it on a reduced cooldown, roughly 25% of its normal cooldown.
Cooldown: 15/14.2/13.4/12.6/11.8 seconds. This skill starts on a 7.5/7.1/6.7/6.3/5.9 second cooldown at the beginning of a race.


  • Angry: Zipi bends his cane in anger with steam coming from his head, then points and shakes his cane ahead of himself.
  • Surprised: Zipi recoils and shields himself by flailing his hands in front of himself. If standing, he then forcefully taps his cane against the ground.
  • Amused: Zipi clutches his stomach with his free hand as he gives a hearty belly laugh, hangs his head forward and opens his eyes while a gleam appears over his monocle and his laughter becomes a sinister chuckle.
  • Affectionate: Zipi scatters several bills and coins into the air, then cradles his cane as the money falls down around him.
  • Showboat: Zipi points and shakes his finger accusingly, then leans back and laughs.
  • Bored: Zipi falls asleep, but snaps awake as he begins to stumble over. Bubbles emit from his head if standing, and he dreams about a dollar sign ($) while sitting.
  • Victorious: Zipi rolls his free wrist, then crosses it across his chest as he bows. With his head low, he gives an evil glare as his monocle gleams, then quickly bows a second time.
  • Sad: Zipi pretends to sob with his free hand on his cheek, checks to see if anyone is looking, then licks his index finger and runs it down both of his cheeks below his eyes.
  • Applaud: Zipi claps slowly while chuckling softly and occasionally nodding.
  • Dance: Zipi dances by waggling his finger and tapping his foot.

