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Diz is an ace racer with a kind heart. Make sure you stay on her good side, though—when her temper goes off, nothing can stand in her way.

In-game description

Diz is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Character Skill

Diz skill.png

Diz's character skill is Competitive Spirit. When Diz is hit with an attack item, there's a 58%/60%/62%/64%/66% chance she will be given a Boost item.


  • Victorious: Diz swings her arms then blows a kiss.
  • Sad: Diz cries while hugging a doll of Dao. If sitting, she doesn't have the doll.
  • Angry: Diz pouts with her hands behind her back and looking away. She briefly glances forward with an angry gleam in her eye.
  • Surprised: Diz jumps back and shivers.
  • Amused: Diz giggles with a hand up to her mouth.
  • Affectionate: Diz pulls out a Dao doll and tosses it into the air with stars in her eyes. A heart pops out of the doll. She catches the doll, cuddles it, then puts it away.
  • Showboat: Diz stretches her arms, then taps the toes of her shoe against the ground and winks.
  • Bored: Diz looks off to the side and sighs with a bored emote bubble appearing above her, then stretches and yawns.
