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A pirate turned racer who has no problem with bending the rules, Lodumani does whatever it takes to be the first across the finish line!

In-game description

Lodumani is a character in KartRider: Drift.


Lodumani is a notorious pirate captain who terrorizes the South Boom Sea with Mobi and Toto. Though wealthy beyond imagination, he covets power more than any treasure and thus wishes to get his hands on the Legend Cup.

He is the Crazy series' recurring villain character, having been featured in every game since Crazy Arcade, though his acts of villainy are generally restricted to piracy or cheating and has teamed up with Dao and his friends on several occasions to defeat more threatening foes.

Character Skill

Lodumani skill.png

Lodumani's character skill is Greed on the High Seas. When activated, Lodumani emits a shockwave that collects nearby item boxes, giving him items and replacing the boxes themselves with Cursed Item Boxes. Opponents who try to collect a Cursed Item Box will have a random item they're carrying removed instead of gaining an item.
Cooldown: 27/25.6/24.2/22.8/21.4 seconds.


  • Angry: Lodumani points angrily, his face turns red, he blows steam from his nose. (standing) His hat also flies upward as flames erupt from his head.
  • Victorious: Lodumani stands up and blows kisses twice. as his eyes sparkle.
  • Shocked: Lodumani's face turns blue as he recoils, then slaps his face as he regains composure.
  • Amused: Lodumani tilts his head the side while laughing, then gives a sarcastic shrug. He chuckles evilly as wavy lines and "chatter" effects emit from him.
  • Affectionate: Lodumani gains hearts in his eyes, (standing) pulls his cane from behind his back and dusts it off while looking bashful/dusts off his steering wheel, (both) then strokes his mustache.
  • Showboat: Lodumani pulls a skull-topped cane from nowhere and holds it into the air triumphantly. The standing version of this emote has Lodumani twirl once as he raises the cane.
  • Sad: Lodumani reaches out momentarily, then begins crying with his hands on his face.
  • Applaud: Lodumani claps sarcastically as he averts his gaze.
  • Bored: (standing) Lodumani pulls a skull-topped cane from nowhere and leans on it while looking bored. The cane slips out from under his weight, though he quickly regains balance and puts the cane away as he tries to act nonchalant. (sitting) Lodumani falls asleep, but wakes himself up with a snort.
  • Dance: Music notes emit from Lodumani's head as he raises his hands rhythmically with his index fingers extended along with his left leg. Changing pose, a vaporwave sunset and visualizers appear behind him as he holds his cheek with his right hand while swinging his left arm from front to back and lifting his right leg.
