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Draky is a racer with a heart as distant as the moon and has lived for countless years. The only emotion in his ice-cold heart is undying love for his little sister, whom he lost in a tragic accident.

In-game description

Draky is a character in KartRider: Drift added in Season 4.


Character Skill

Draky skill.png

Draky's character skill is Gauge Drain. Upon activation, Draky siphons energy from opponents with active abilities ahead of him, granting him a speed boost that increases with each affected opponent to a maximum of four. Additionally, each affected opponent has their skill's cooldown timer tick up, lengthening the cooldown period and preventing the skill's use if it wasn't on cooldown. The opponents who will be affected by this ability are marked with flashing bat icons over their heads.
Cooldown: 25/23.7/22.4/21.1/19.8 seconds.


  • Victorious: (Standing) Draky produces a wine glass filled with an orange liquid, swirls it in his hand, shows it off, then drinks it. He then flips the glass into the air, catches it, and puts it away while bowing. (Sitting) Draky slicks his hair back, leaps to his feet with his arms spread and laughs, then crosses one arm across his chest.
  • Sad: Draky clutches his head with his right hand, falls to a knee, then slowly drags his hand down his face, revealing a tear in his right eye. The sitting version of this emote doesn't have him fall to his knee.
  • Angry: Draky floats into the air as rocks erupt from the ground around him, which burst into black energy. He unfurls his wings and spins once as he "powers up". His wings then disappear in a puff of black smoke and he lands with both feet and his right hand on the ground. The sitting version of this emote begins with him facepalming and doesn't have his three-point landing.
  • Surprised: Draky is taken aback, swings one of his wings over himself as he vanishes in a puff of smoke and bats, then suddenly reappears facing away and spins back into position. The sitting version has him taken aback and features the puff of smoke, but he doesn't vanish.
  • Amused: Draky's pupils shrink, then he places a hand on his face as he begins laughing maniacally. He leans back while slowly removing his hand from his face.
  • Affectionate: Draky slicks back his hair, his face goes dark with a sinister look, and he holds out his hand, in which an orange heart forms. He laughs, then crushes the heart in his hand.
  • Showboat: Draky holds his left arm out, then crosses it against his chest. He then twirls once, points ahead with his right hand, then gives a thumbs up with his right hand. The sitting version of this emote only has him point and give a thumbs up.
  • Bored: (Standing) Draky's ear twitches. He scratches the inside of his ear with a finger, then flicks his finger when he pulls it out. (Sitting) Draky falls asleep with his head on his hand. When he wakes up, he slicks his hair back.
  • Applaud: Draky claps a few times while narrowing his eyes, then stops, putting his left hand on his hip and looking away.
  • Dance: Draky performs a waltz, then claps his hands twice and twirls thrice, ending with a pose with his arms spread.
